
Our First Mini

Our First Mini

We made  this up for our kickstarter backers to add to their pledges. Our first mini produced in house, Tom at the shop took the time to do a wonderful job painting up one of the first cast we were happy with. You can also see here how your resin model will come. Also...

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We’re gonna need a bigger box

We’re gonna need a bigger box

The quote of the day. "." We have less than 90 pledges left to ship and still all day tomorrow to pack and ship who knows how far we will make it! Thank you to the international backers that have sent out your phone numbers, if you haven't get it here and we can send...

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Adepticon or Bust!!

This pile of product wouldn't be possible with out our family and friends chipping in to make sure we got it done. I just want to say thanks to everybody that helped out, it means the world and couldn't have been done any other way. Thank you.

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Gearing up for Adepticon we wanted to be able to get your attention so we had the thing made. Now we just need Rob to wear it as a cape and we should have everyone looking.  

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The cure for the common rules lawyer!

You ever get so frustrated in a game you feel like you could punch somebody? We give you our new Knuckle Duster Combat Template, its high speed, not really subdued, but it could help you whack tangos while fast roping from the space shuttle! But seriously its just a...

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We have a temporary shipping delay in effect for some items from March 2nd till March 25th. Any affected orders placed in this time will begin shipping March 26th in the order they were received. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This does not affect Wargames Illustrated Subscribers. Dismiss